

英语口语8000句-生气时●吵骂You coward! 胆小鬼! You chicken!  *chicken-胆小鬼,turkey火鸡-傻瓜Scared cat! /You sissy! /You wimp! Nobody's perfect! 人无完人!Stingy./Cheapo./Cheapskate./Miser小气鬼Fuck you! /Screw


英语口语8000句-生气时●使人镇静Excuse me. I'm lost.Calm down. Where are you going?Oh my God! Oh, no! What am I going to do!? --Just calm down. /Cool down. Take it easy. Don't work so hard. 别紧张I can&#3


英语口语8000句-生气时●言归于好Let's make up. 我们和好吧! --Yeah, let's. Let's kiss and make up. We had a fight today.Did you make up? Stop fighting! It's over. Get out! Can&#39


英语口语8000句-生气时●不满和牢骚时Oh, heck! I failed the test. 噢,见鬼!Oh, darn! /Oh, no! Where is your homework? Shucks! I forgot it at home. 哎呀!...Shoot! I Missed the train. 真见鬼!....Sheesh! Uh-oh. I f


英语口语8000句-生气时●发怒No more excuses! Don't make any excuses!Don't give me excuses.But I can't. No ifs, ands or buts! You will finish it today. But I can't help it. I&#3


英语口语8000句-生气时●厌烦It's boring.Do you want to watch that movie? No, I hear it's boring. Dull. / It's dull. 没劲My life is dull. It's for the birds. 毫无价值!/不值一提I hate this clas


英语口语8000句-生气时●驳斥Shut up! I don't want to hear it! You shut up! /Shut your mouth.Keep your mouth shut.Be quiet! 安静!Don't be a back seat driver. 别指手划脚! Stop shouting! 别大声嚷嚷!Stop yellin


英语口语8000句-生气时●责备Liar! 骗子!Don't call me a liar! He drinks too much. That's a lie! 那是瞎说!That's a filthy lie. 那纯属骗人He's a filthy liar. 他是个丑恶的骗子 Don't lie to me. /Don&#3