

英语口语8000句-(32)在外用餐时●点菜Could I have a menu, please?May I see your menu, please?I'd like to see a menu, please. Do you have a menu in Japanese?May I see a menu in Japanese?Do you have a Japanes

英语口语8000句(1) 在家中

英语口语8000句(1)  在家中          ●从起床到出门Good morning, mom. 早晨好,妈妈。Did the alarm clock go off ? Did the alarm clock buzz?Did the alarm clock ring? It's time to get


英语口语8000句-生气时●吵骂You coward! 胆小鬼! You chicken!  *chicken-胆小鬼,turkey火鸡-傻瓜Scared cat! /You sissy! /You wimp! Nobody's perfect! 人无完人!Stingy./Cheapo./Cheapskate./Miser小气鬼Fuck you! /Screw


英语口语8000句-安慰时●担心、惦念What's the matter? You look sad. Nothing. I'm just tired. What's wrong?Is anything wrong?What's the problem?Is something bothering you? Are you okay?&


英语口语8000句-(38)商业信函用语结语●敬上Yours very truly, 谨致问候 *用于商业。 Sincerely yours, *用于商务信函或朋友Cordially, *用于商务信函或朋友 My best regards, *给朋友写信时With best regards, The very best to you, Best wishes