"Biden is terrified"

   "Science Freedom" organization website published an article signed by Heinz Dietrich, a professor at the Autonomous University of Mexico City and a famous left-wing sociologist, on June 22. Heinz Dietrich believes that facts have no place in Western propaganda. Western media have basically been reduced to tools of imperialist ambitions. They are acting as agents of psychological warfare in the global offensive against the successful development of Chinese socialism. The role of people. The full text is excerpted as follows:

   Based on Trump's original lies about the source of the new crown virus, the so-called "human rights issue in Xinjiang" and the "color revolution" in Hong Kong, the United States has relaunched a smear campaign against China. The reason is simple. Democrats and Biden are terrified. They are afraid of losing to Trump's dominant Republican Party in the midterm elections in November 2022 and the presidential election in 2024.

▲On April 28, U.S. President Biden delivered a speech at the Congress in Washington, DC. Xinhua News Agency ▲On April 28, U.S. President Biden delivered a speech at the Congress in Washington, DC. Xinhua News Agency

   All 435 seats in the House of Representatives and 34 of the 100 seats in the Senate will be re-elected. 39 governorships and many other state and local positions are also at risk. Since the only reason for the existence of political parties in the bourgeois "democratic" system is to win elections-because elections are a direct way to obtain state power, and state power in turn is a direct way to obtain social wealth (surplus value)-Democrats The existing anxiety is understandable. They worry about being excluded from the "food trough" (the carousel of surplus value distribution).

   Therefore, while Biden relentlessly attacked China, he also tried to split the Moscow-Beijing strategic alliance by making trivial concessions to Russia. This is not unexpected.

   It is also not surprising that the smear campaign is the usual pattern of destabilizing the CIA and the contemporary "color revolution".

   The principle is like this. The headquarters of the imperialist propaganda machine entrusts false news stories to "reporters" who are willing to do so, and then disseminates them in the "news" of private media. In the end, the White House picked up these lies, launched an official attack on the victimized party, and spread the attack to the media throughout Europe, Asia, and Latin America.

   The American propaganda conspiracy is extremely stupid and incompetent. Anyone with knowledge and reason will not take it seriously. However, citizens of bourgeois "democratic" countries have been thoroughly brainwashed by the elite ruling class using a psychological warfare tool called "media." In the United States, about 70% of Republican voters still believe that Trump won the election and that the presidency was stolen by Democrats. In fact, their mental state and level of conscience are not much higher than Pavlov's conditioned reflex. While discussing the "democracy" of the contemporary bourgeoisie, it is not an exaggeration to talk about the cultural frontal lobe removal of the masses by the power elite through "perception management".

   Nobel Laureate in Economics, Paul Krugman, properly described this pathological political-economic-cultural environment as a "top-down class struggle" from the perspective of how it works. He wrote in the "New York Times": "This may sound too simplistic, but this is how the world works." Or you can use the words of Princeton University scholar Martin Gillens and Northwestern University scholar Benjamin Page, The political system that dominates the world's center of gravity (the United States) is a system of "economic elite rule" and "biased pluralism", not a majorityist "democratic system."

  For the same reason, Paul Wolfowitz, then US Deputy Secretary of Defense, unambiguously stated the goals of US foreign policy in 1992 and perfectly explained the current US aggression. The "primary goal" of US foreign and military policy is to prevent the re-emergence of a new adversary who may pose a threat to (the unilateral actions of the United States) comparable to the Soviet Union in the past, whether on the territory of the former Soviet Union or elsewhere. . This is the main consideration behind the new regional defense strategy, requiring the United States to work hard to prevent any "hostile power" from dominating a region whose resources are tightly controlled to generate global influence.

   Any serious scientific investigation of the public health response to the new coronavirus pandemic by governments of various countries will clearly show that China’s public health response to this virus has not failed. China's crisis management is flawless. Therefore, according to all logical standards, the "accusations" and "requests for compensation" raised in the Western propaganda war led by the United States, Britain and its imperialist media are nonsense. In other words, this inference lacks logic.

   This fact is self-evident from the ratio of the number of deaths to the population in the United States, the main advocate, and the corresponding death rate in China, the victim of this propaganda. Among the approximately 320 million people in the United States, the absolute number of deaths related to the new crown virus is 601,000 (this data is not very reliable). If Washington adopts the public health measures implemented by China, the number of deaths from the new coronavirus in the United States today will probably be only about 1,200.

   Therefore, there is no need to discuss what is right and what is wrong in the fight against this pandemic, because the facts are clear. Any serious scientist knows that objective truth comes from facts. But in the post-truth world full of Western bourgeois politics and ideology, the expression of public policy is basically unaffected by facts, and fake news is an important weapon of aggression.

  The pharmaceutical industry, coupled with high-tech and financial capital, is one of the main factions of today's capitalist ruling class. This force naturally attracted life science scholars and experts to the side of the pharmaceutical giants. This is evident in the performance of the government of the bourgeois state in fighting the epidemic. In fact, the European Union still does not allow the use of the "satellite V" new crown vaccine, even though this vaccine is one of the best and most economical vaccines to buy. But bourgeois politicians are the servants of corporate interests. Today's scientific research departments are basically in the hands of large companies, and the poor and the oppressed are their targets of exploitation.

   When the new coronavirus appeared in December 2019, the government and scientists knew little about its pathogenesis (causes and evolution) and could not stop its spread. But only 6 weeks later, China's scientific community and government formulated a successful public health control measure.

   This achievement is comparable to the contributions made by Robert Koch and Louis Pasteur, the founders of scientific microbiology. People have summed up a set of anti-virus protection methods on the basis of this achievement. This is an example of effective protection of public health and economic production on a global scale, which can be used by governments all over the world.

The methods to quickly control this pandemic are: frequent large-scale testing; contact tracing; strict isolation; wearing masks and mandatory social distancing; adequate hospital logistics; providing true and simple information to improve people’s Recognition; the leading role of national leaders must take the lead, coordinate national efforts, lead by example, and preach to the people the necessary discipline for survival. All steps of this method must be implemented at the same time to achieve the synergy needed to fight the virus.

   Under the guidance of Biden's White House, the two most dangerous international organizations, the Group of Seven (G7) and NATO, restarted their dangerous attacks on China.

▲On June 14, at the NATO headquarters in Brussels, Belgium, leaders attending the NATO summit took part in a group photo ceremony. Published by Xinhua News Agency ▲ On June 14, at the NATO headquarters in Brussels, Belgium, leaders attending the NATO summit took part in a group photo ceremony. Xinhua News Agency

China has received the most anti-coronavirus vaccines worldwide, and is one of the countries with the lowest deaths per capita in the world; China will contribute about 30% of global GDP growth this year; China provides assistance to many countries and international organizations To combat the new crown epidemic. The West has turned a deaf ear to all this!

  These are facts of China's national and foreign policy. However, as we all know, facts have no place in propaganda. Western media have basically become a tool of imperialist ambitions, acting as agents of psychological warfare in the global offensive against the successful development of Chinese socialism.

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