

英语口语8000句-悲伤时●失望I didn't get a raise.What a disappointment!That's too bad. What a let down!I'm disappointed with it.This is disappointing.I couldn't go. 我没去成What a pity. 太遗憾了。What


英语口语8000句-悲伤时●寂寞I feel lonely.I feel lonely without my husband.He'll be back next week. I'm lonely. /I feel all alone. I hate being alone. I don't mind being alone. I m


英语口语8000句-悲伤时●郁闷、忧郁I'm depressed. I lost my job.Cheer up! You'll get a new job. I feel blue./I feel low./I feel really down.I've got the blues today.I feel down in the dumps today.&nb


英语口语8000句-悲伤时●郁闷、忧郁●断念、绝望Let's play another game. You're too good for me. I give up.I raise you $20.再加20美元I fold. 我不玩了 /I give in.You should stop smoking. I can't help it. 没法子、没辙


英语口语8000句-悲伤时●后悔Oh, no! I shouldn't have done it. *shouldn’t have done不该,要是没..就好了What did you do? That was a mistake. I blew it. 我失败了。I wish I hadn't done that.I really screwed up th