

2019年专升本英语真题参考答案,看看你多少分?2019年北京专升本英语真题参考答案一.单项选择1. B2. D3. D4. A5. C6. A7. B8. D9. C10. D11. D12. A13. A14. C15. B二.单项选择(一)16. C17. B18. A19. D(二)20. C21. D22. A23. B(三)24. C25. B26. C27. A(四)28. D29.


2021专升本英语真题七选五We all experience some kind of anger in our life .Some of us get angry easily,while others do not let anger control them.Anger can harm us physically and emotionally .Anger has no specif


2017年专升本英语真题(选择题)与答案1. The fire must have _______ after the shop was closed.  A. broken out B. broken down C. broken in D. broken through  2. He is _______ join the army.  A. too young to B. enough you