
These 5 high-value, low-cost kitchen appliances, practical and save money, missed a loss of one hundred million!

一入厨房深似海,这个厨具好美,这个家电好可爱,每每看到新出的厨房用具,内心 OS买!买!买!

Once into the kitchen, it looks like the sea. This kitchen is so beautiful. This appliance is so cute. Every time I see a new kitchen utensil, I can buy it inside! buy! buy!

一向精打细算的发现君也会冲动消费,光锅,小发现家里就挂了 5 口,铁锅、平底锅、不粘锅、麦石锅、不锈钢炒锅,但买来之后用过一两次,就闲置在角落里。

I have always been careful to find out that I will also be impulsive, and I will hang up 5 dishes at home, iron pans, pans, non-stick pans, wheat stone pots, stainless steel woks, but I have used them once or twice after buying them. I am idle in the corner.

踩过这么多次坑后,发现君总结出真正好用的工具的标准:实用性、高效性、高颜值,身经百战的发现君,经过层层筛选帮你们,挑出了 5 款超好用的厨房工具,如果你不知道应该买哪些照着这个买就对了~

After stepping on so many pits, I found that Jun summed up the standards of the tools that are really easy to use: practicality, high efficiency, high value, and the discovery of the war. After screening through layers, I picked out 5 models. Super easy to use kitchen tools, if you don't know which ones you should buy, buy it right~

一、Bruno多功能料理锅 ▼

First, Bruno multifunctional cooking pot ▼


Do you want to have a multi-purpose cooking pot, like you who loves the drums like Jun? As a girl who has tried hundreds of pots, I recommend this multi-purpose cooking pot.


Fry, roast, cook, and cook a pot, mother no longer have to worry about my meal. The hot pot utensils, grills, breakfast machines, bread machines, and omelette pots I bought in those years were all lost by me. As long as this pot is available, you can change your kitchen.

早餐用它做煎蛋,烤土司。朋友来了,用它做火锅和 BBQ 。偶尔来个煎饺、烤冷面,又或是换换西式吃法,焗饭、意大利面不在话下。之前小可还尝试做日式寿喜烧,一家人一起开火吃饭的感觉真的倍儿爽~

Use it to make omelettes and toast. A friend came and used it for hot pot and BBQ. Occasionally come a fried dumpling, roast cold noodles, or change the Western-style eating method, risotto, spaghetti. Before I was able to try to make a Japanese sukiyaki, the feeling of a family eating together to eat is really cool~

二、Joseph分类菜板 ▼

Second, Joseph classification board ▼


Many little cute people know that chopping boards should be classified. Cooked food, raw food, fruits and vegetables should have corresponding cutting boards and knives, otherwise the food will easily odor and cause cross-contamination of food. But buying a few chopping boards at once can take up space and be confusing.


This cutting board is well-designed, intimate food classification label, raw food, cooked food, fruits and vegetables, fish, small available this product will never take the wrong cutting board.


In summer, bacteria grow easily, and wooden chopping boards tend to be mildewed and black. This cutting board is easy to clean and not moldy. The resin resin has good toughness and is not easy to be deformed. It is convenient and safe to use. The white storage shell is simple and generous, and several pieces of cutting boards are not occupied at all.

三、博朗多功能料理机 ▼

Third, Braun multi-function cooking machine ▼


Juicers, blenders, grinders, silly points are not clear. I bought a bunch of machines because of curiosity, but found that the usage rate is not high. Moreover, it is noisy to use, it is not convenient to clean, it is easy to soil the kitchen, and it can be used to clean up the kitchen.


Many mothers will give the baby a nutritious food supplement, such as fruit juice, rice paste, and vegetable puree. This cooking machine is a little angel who guards the mother. Simply change the mixing tool with different functions to become a chopper, egg beater, blender, juicer. One-touch operation, quick to get started, and very easy to clean.

四、千石多功能电烤箱 ▼

Four thousand stone multi-function electric oven ▼

这是一款爸爸也会用的电烤箱,烘、烤、蒸、炸它样样都行。只要把食材放到烤盘上,调节温度和定时器。就能腾出双手去做其他事情啦。早上也可以用它来烤面包,2 分钟就能搞定,烤出来的面包外酥里嫩。

This is an electric oven that Dad will use. It can be baked, grilled, steamed and fried. Just place the ingredients on the baking tray and adjust the temperature and timer. You can free your hands to do other things. It can also be used to bake bread in the morning, it can be done in 2 minutes, and the baked bread is crispy and tender.

每当饿得前胸贴后背,家里又没有什么东西可以吃的时候。发现君就把家里红薯和土豆包上锡箔纸放进烤箱。据说 0.2 秒快速升温, 25 分钟吃到甜得流油的红薯和松软的土豆。

Whenever you are hungry, you have nothing to eat at home. I found that Jun put the sweet potatoes and potatoes on the house and put them on the foil. It is said that the temperature rises rapidly in 0.2 seconds, and the sweet potato and soft potatoes are eaten in 25 minutes.

五、北鼎迷你速热饮水机 ▼

Five, Beiding mini speed hot water dispenser ▼


Because there is no ready-made boiling water, many little cute people become too lazy to drink water. In the morning, I want to have a cup of warm water. When I think of water, water, and water, many people simply don’t drink water. This water dispenser makes drinking water more and more, anytime, anywhere, a cup of warm water, just a cup of warm water.


I am hungry and want to eat in a bowl of noodles. I don’t have to endure the water to fry. This speed hot water dispenser is ready to use, its most special place is intelligent temperature regulation, and you can find the most suitable temperature for brewing milk and tea at once.


Found that the kitchen tools recommended by Jun today, is there any one that makes you feel excited? Talk about the kitchen tools you want to buy recently, say it, let the friends give you ideas.


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厨房即药房---30种常见食材的疗愈性030 柠檬

30 Lemon 柠檬Lemon, Citrus Limon Rutaceae, Nimbu 柠檬主要作用制冷剂,漂白剂内服1. 水果作为一种制冷剂,在有灼烧感的情况下是有用的。2. 在口腔溃疡,海绵状牙龈,脓流和其他口腔问题的情况下,按10ml的量饮用。3.柠檬汁和蜂蜜可以每天早晨使用,以清除腹部不适和作为血液净化。4. 同样的方法也有助于减肥。外敷1. 柠檬汁和酸奶是一种有效的外用可以去头皮屑

厨房即药房---30种常见食材的疗愈性029 黄瓜

29 Cucumber 黄瓜Cucumis sativus, Cucurbitaceae, 黄瓜主要作用缓和的,冷却剂, 轻度利尿。种子驱虫内服1. 叶子作为利尿剂,剂量为15克。2. 可以冷却和治疗胃肠道溃疡。3.从种子中提取的油具有滋补和利尿剂的作用。4. 种子打粉,剂量为3-5克,用于一般的衰弱。外敷1. 黄瓜凝胶被广泛用作面膜来光滑皮肤和改善整体肤色。2. 在夏天,把黄瓜片放在眼睛上有助于

厨房即药房---30种常见食材的疗愈性028 苹果

28 Apple 苹果Apple, Sep, 苹果主要作用内服1. 苹果汁加蜂蜜和牛奶对治疗神经衰弱很有用。2. 蜂蜜加苹果汁对妊娠贫血有效。3.苹果,由于其刺激唾液的特性,可以用于治疗溃疡。4. 苹果对牙齿感染、腹泻和痢疾很有效。5. 苹果和香蕉一起使用可以调节肠道运动。6. 在非素食饮食之后吃一个苹果有助于消化。外敷1. 一种用苹果树叶制成的糊状物,用作洗发水可以防止头发脱落和头皮屑,促进头发

厨房即药房---30种常见食材的疗愈性027 木瓜

27 Papaya 木瓜Carica papaya, Caricaceae, 木瓜 主要作用绿色果作为泻药,利尿剂;刺激盆腔和子宫的血液流动;驱虫药内服1. 经常吃成熟的水果可以纠正习惯性便秘。2. 成熟的水果可以调节女性的月经周期。3.未成熟的果实有助于促进哺乳母亲的泌乳。4. 这种水果加上一些盐,当你脾脏和肝脏肿大时,每天吃两次。5. 每次20毫升,每天两次,用于排尿困难。外敷1.







