Online Banking Personal Customer Service Agreement


Party A (online banking customer):

Party B (ICBC): Branch

Party A voluntarily applies for the use of Party B's online banking service. In order to clarify the rights and obligations of both parties, this agreement is signed by both parties.

1. Party A's application for the use of Party B's online banking service must have Party B's Peony Card Credit Card, Credit Card or Smart Card.

2. Party B's online banking provides Party A with inquiries, transfers, BtoC online payment, foreign exchange trading, and payment of tuition fees, loans and other services.

The above services are limited to Party A's own registration card and account.

3. Party A's application for the use of Party B's online banking service must be completed and signed by the ICBC Internet Banking Individual Customer Registration Application Form and agreed to abide by the ICBC Online Banking Regulations and the Industrial and Commercial Bank of China Personal Online Banking Trading Rules. 》. At the same time, I provide my valid ID card and related card, which can only be opened after being verified by Party B. To register a Peony Business Card, you must provide a unit authorization letter.

Party A must fill in the registered card number/account number on the registration application form.

Party A can use the online banking service on the next business day after registration.

4. Party A shall use Party B's online banking services to operate correctly in accordance with Party B's regulations. Party B shall not be liable for any losses caused by improper operation.

5. Party A must properly keep his online banking login password and payment password. All operations using the above password are deemed to be performed by Party A. The electronic information records of various settlement transactions handled by electronic information such as passwords are valid certificates of the transaction.

6. If Party A forgets or reveals the above password, he must hold his valid ID card and relevant card, and fill in the "Application Form for Online Banking Personal Customer Change" at Party B's business outlets, complete the password reset procedure, and generate the procedures before the completion of the procedures. All consequences shall be borne by Party A.

7. All the payments made by Party B's B2C online are authorized to be recorded by Party B in the payment card account registered by Party A.

8. Party A's handling of loss reporting through Party B's online banking is regarded as a temporary loss, and Party B only assists in prevention and does not assume any responsibility. Party A shall go through the formal written loss reporting procedures at Party B's business outlet within five days after the temporary loss. The online loss will automatically expire after 5 days.

9. Party A shall not refuse to pay the amount due to Party B on the grounds of dispute with the special website or other third party.

10. If Party B fails to correctly execute Party A's instructions due to the following circumstances, Party B may not bear any responsibility:

(1) The information received by Party B is unclear, garbled, incomplete, etc.;

(2) The balance of the deposit of Party A's account is insufficient or the credit limit is insufficient;

(3) The funds in Party A's account are frozen or deducted according to law;

(4) Force majeure or other circumstances that cannot be attributed to Party B.

11. If Party A requests to unfreeze the registration card and increase the registration card, it must hold the valid identity document and relevant card of the person, and fill in the "Application Form for Online Banking Individual Customer Change" at Party B's business outlets, and proceed to Party B's next work after completing relevant procedures. Effective day. Party A may also entrust others to handle the account cancellation procedures, but a written power of attorney shall be issued to the client.

12. Party A shall not derogate or damage the reputation of Party B or deliberately defraud bank funds by various means. Otherwise, Party B shall have the right to terminate the online banking service provided by Party A unilaterally and may investigate the losses caused thereby.

13. Party B may improve the service items related to online banking according to the technical progress and the specific conditions of business development, but Party B shall notify Party A in an appropriate manner before making improvements.

14. If there is a force majeure event such as a natural disaster or other unforeseen extraordinary circumstances, which may result in affecting Party A's handling of online banking related business, Party B shall not bear any responsibility.

15. Party B shall keep the application materials and other information provided by Party A confidential, except as otherwise provided by laws, regulations and rules.

16. Party A's suggestions and opinions on Party B's online banking services can be directly reported to Party B's business outlets or by calling "95588". In the process of fulfilling this agreement, if both parties have a dispute, they shall resolve it through negotiation. If the negotiation fails, either party may submit the arbitration to the local arbitration institution.

17. If the matter is not completed, it shall be handled in accordance with Party B's relevant business regulations and financial practices.

18. This Agreement shall become effective as of the date of signing by both parties, and shall be terminated by Party A at the working date of Party B at the Party B's business outlets.

19. The disputes relating to this Agreement shall be governed by the laws of the People's Republic of China.

Party A’s signature:

Date: Year Month Day

Party B: (Bank seal)

Signature of the right holder:

Date: Year Month Day

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