
Food Geography - Huzhou


Zhejiang is located in the southeast coast. The so-called mountain is eaten by the mountains and eats water. In Huzhou, in the north of Zhejiang, it is the ancient city of Jiangnan with a history of more than 2,300 years. It has the reputation of the land of fish and rice and the state of culture. Huzhou's food culture is profound and profound. It has both the famous dishes of the national recipes and the famous folks. But perhaps the most impressive thing is the following traditional dishes. Let’s take a look at this food geography!


Nanxun Ancient Town, Huzhou


Taihu Four Treasures

太湖是中国五大淡水湖之一,横跨江、浙两省,北临无锡,南濒湖州,西依宜兴,东近苏州。 南宋姜夔赞称湖州为水晶宫,元书画家赵孟頫自称水晶宫道人。水晶宫中宝贝多,突出的是鱼类。以城北濒太湖水域来说,就有银鱼、鲚鱼、白虾、角鱼四宝。

Taihu Lake is one of the five largest freshwater lakes in China, spanning the two provinces of Jiangsu and Zhejiang, bordering Wuxi in the north, Huzhou in the south, Yixing in the west and Suzhou in the east. Jiang Song of the Southern Song Dynasty praised Huzhou as the Crystal Palace, and Yuan Meng, a painter of the Yuan Dynasty, claimed to be the "Crystal Palace Taoist." There are many treasures in the Crystal Palace, and the fish is prominent. In the case of the Taihu Lake waters in the north of the city, there are silver fish, squid, white shrimp, and horned fish "four treasures."


Huzhou Taihujing


Silverfish, the ancient name of the squid fish, commonly known as noodle fish, is round and transparent like snow, like a white jade scorpion, only the eyes are black. The silver fish in Taihu Lake are mainly big silver fish and Ray's silver fish.


Taihu Silverfish

银鱼营养丰富,是鱼中珍品。银鱼含有丰富的蛋白质、碳水化合物、钙、磷、铁维生素B1、B2和尼克酸等多种营养成分。其肉质细腻,洁白鲜嫩,无骨刺,无腥味。鲜银鱼同鸡蛋合炒,鲜嫩味美;以银鱼作汤,滋味鲜美,闻之生津。制成银鱼干,体呈扁形, 肉肥骨软,色白有光,色香味经久不变。太湖银鱼适应力强,繁殖力高,生长期短,易形成种群。

Silverfish is rich in nutrients and is a treasure in fish. Silverfish is rich in various nutrients such as protein, carbohydrate, calcium, phosphorus, iron vitamin B1, B2 and niacin. The meat is fine, white and tender, with no bone spurs and no astringency. The fresh silver fish is fried with the egg, fresh and delicious; the silver fish is used as a soup to taste delicious and smell good. Made of silver fish, the body is flat, the meat is fat and soft, the color is white and light, and the color and fragrance are unchanged for a long time. Taihu silver fish has strong adaptability, high fertility, short growth period and easy formation of population.

白虾,亦称脊尾虾,甲壳纲,长臂虾科。它的外表与淡水虾大同小异,色白壳薄, 通体透明。我国沿海各地均产,但盛产于太湖水草茂密近岸泥沙的地方。 《太湖备考》载曰: 太湖白虾甲天下,熟时色仍洁白。白虾以色分也。

White shrimp, also known as squid, crustacea, long arm shrimp. Its appearance is similar to that of freshwater shrimp, with a thin white shell and transparent body. It is produced all over the coast of China, but it is abundant in the dense coastal waters of Taihu Lake. "Taihu preparation test" contains: "Taihu white shrimp is the world, the color is still white when cooked.... White shrimp is also colored."


Taihu White Shrimp


The book "Food Chinese Medicine and Toilet" by the famous Chinese medicine scientist Ye Juquan said that the shrimp is sweet and warm, the acne is acne, the milk is under, and the aphrodisiac is a strong and remedy! Oral administration has the effect of Tory detoxification. White shrimp can be made into dried shrimps, and folk fresh foods like to use shochu and shrimp. Shrimp paste can be prepared by peeling the shrimps.


The squid, Huzhou fishermen call it a squid and a knife. The squid only lives in the mouth of the Taihu Lake in the east and west of the Taihu Lake, that is, the south bank of the Taihu Lake and the west bank. There are many small pebbles in the two streams, which is conducive to the perch breeding. The squid spawns in the spring, and the larvae are only seen in the autumn. The next year can grow up to a foot or so, and its shape is like a shiny short knife.


Taihu trout


Its meat is tender and rich in nutrients. It contains various elements such as phosphorus, calcium, magnesium and inorganic salts. Its bones and eggs contain three times as much calcium as silverfish. Eat squid steamed, red fried. In recent years, it has been processed into cans or made into fish balls and sold all over the country.


The horned fish, also known as the pinfish, is mainly grown in the shallow waters of the Taishan Lake in the Taihu Lake not far from Huzhou. It is exquisite and petite, generally about 12 cm long, the body is cylindrical, and there is a long needle-like corner on the mouth, so the famous angle fish. It usually lays eggs in February and March. Fishing in August and September.

当地渔民大多将它晒干后,再放在锅里搁一搁’’ (即烘一下)。所以方言称为搁鱼。角鱼肉质鲜美,烹制以炸、炒为主,制馅亦佳。湖州餐饮馆中有椒盐角鱼丝、雪菜角鱼、糖水角鱼、油炸角鱼,还有角鱼馄饨、角鱼鱼圆等,为湖州的佳肴之一。

Most of the local fishermen dried it and put it in the pot, put it aside (ie, bake it). So the dialect is called fishing. The horn fish is delicious, cooked and fried. The stuffing is also good. The Huzhou restaurant has salt and pepper angle fish, snow horn fish, sugar water horn fish, fried horned fish, as well as horned fish bream and horned fish riss. It is one of Huzhou's cuisines.




Kamakura Snow Mart, also known as Changxing Snow Margin, is produced in the Bay Fish Pond in front of the flower wall in Lucangqiao Village, Lushan Township, East Changxing. It is known for its delicate body and white snow. It is known as Kangcang Snow Marsh. Kamakura's succulent meat is fresh and tender, crisp and refreshing, and the juice is sweet and delicious. Kamakura ferrets are rich in nutrients. The fresh oysters contain rich vitamins such as starch, protein and fat, as well as various nutrients such as iron and calcium. Fresh glutinous rice is made into glutinous rice powder. It is suitable for both young and old, and it is maternal and sick. The best tonic for the weaker after eating. Kamakura Snow is a treasure, and the lotus seed is a traditional tonic. It can replenish the spleen and stop diarrhea, nourish the heart and kidney: lotus heart, scorpion, lotus room cool and annealing, can be used as medicine, is the top Chinese herbal medicine.



胥仓雪藕与众不同:它比普通藕长一半以上,全株分三节,中段藕身品质尤佳。更奇特的是胥仓雪藕比普通藕多生一孔,其他品种的藕只生9孔,顶多1 0孔;而胥仓雪藕至少10孔,多数为11孔;而且别地的藕一旦种植到胥仓便增生一孔;而胥仓藕移植到别地,随即又会减少一孔。

Kamakura Snow is different: it is more than half longer than the common one. The whole plant is divided into three sections, and the middle section is especially good. What is more peculiar is that the Kamakura ferrets have one more hole than the common carp. The other cultivars only have 9 holes and at most 10 holes. The Kamakura ferrets have at least 10 holes, most of which are 11 holes. The warehousing will accumulate a hole; while the squatting sputum will be transplanted to another place, a hole will be reduced.


Thousands of buns


Huzhou Dinglianfang Qianzhang Baozi Store is a famous shop with a history of 100 years. The thousand buns produced by the company are famous for making fine, expensive materials and delicious taste.


Thousands of buns


The characteristics of this kind of steamed buns are: "Thousands of thin and tough, can be tightly packed and airtight. The filling heart is made of pure leg meat, Korean Kaiyang, Japanese scallops, Xiaofeng butterfly bamboo shoots, fried sesame seeds, and fresh and fragrant. The silk powder is white and thick, and it is cooked for a long time and is soft and mellow.


Smoked bean tea


Smoked bean tea


Smoked bean tea is a traditional native product in the South Taihu Lake region. Farmers have the custom of making and drinking this tea. It has a long history and is one of the traditional flavors of Taihu Lake. At present, many hospitals in our city still maintain this custom. Many farmhouses also use pots of tea, smoked bean tea and green tea as a ritual for the first time to entertain the "hairy feet". In other words, it is the "first pass" of the mother-in-law's family, which is the three cups of tea, such as sweet pot of tea, salty smoked bean tea and light green tea. Almost every household in the eastern suburbs of Huzhou loves to use smoked bean tea as the first choice for the first month to entertain friends and family and wedding banquets. Changxing chestnut


Deqing early garden shoots


Deqing early garden shoots


Deqing early garden shoots, also known as garden shoots, early bamboo shoots. It is a traditional product of Deqing County and is known as the King of Vegetables. Deqing early garden bamboo shoots, which are treasures of bamboo shoots, are mainly produced in the towns of Erdu, Shangbai, Chengguan, Leidian, Wukang, Sanhe and Qiushan in Deqing County, especially in the second garden. The early garden bamboo shoots are famous for their short, strong, thick and tender colors, yellowish purple and oily, thick bamboo shoots, white and tender, fresh and refreshing. It has the characteristics of sweet, sweet, loose and crisp.


Nanxun Ancient Town, Huzhou


Walking in the light wind and bright sun in Huzhou Street, the feeling of faintness is gradually growing. It is the evaporation of the water under the bridge on the lake, the fragrance of thousands of bags floating from the small window, the savory taste of the white shrimp of Taihu Lake, the soft silky cotton being warmed in the sun... Is that the taste of grandma's family? It is a peaceful and flat smell. Comfortable and comfortable Huzhou Fudi, from ancient times to today, has a kind of goodwill, favor, warmth, and has a long history...

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厨房即药房---30种常见食材的疗愈性027 木瓜

27 Papaya 木瓜Carica papaya, Caricaceae, 木瓜 主要作用绿色果作为泻药,利尿剂;刺激盆腔和子宫的血液流动;驱虫药内服1. 经常吃成熟的水果可以纠正习惯性便秘。2. 成熟的水果可以调节女性的月经周期。3.未成熟的果实有助于促进哺乳母亲的泌乳。4. 这种水果加上一些盐,当你脾脏和肝脏肿大时,每天吃两次。5. 每次20毫升,每天两次,用于排尿困难。外敷1.

厨房即药房---30种常见食材的疗愈性029 黄瓜

29 Cucumber 黄瓜Cucumis sativus, Cucurbitaceae, 黄瓜主要作用缓和的,冷却剂, 轻度利尿。种子驱虫内服1. 叶子作为利尿剂,剂量为15克。2. 可以冷却和治疗胃肠道溃疡。3.从种子中提取的油具有滋补和利尿剂的作用。4. 种子打粉,剂量为3-5克,用于一般的衰弱。外敷1. 黄瓜凝胶被广泛用作面膜来光滑皮肤和改善整体肤色。2. 在夏天,把黄瓜片放在眼睛上有助于

厨房即药房---30种常见食材的疗愈性030 柠檬

30 Lemon 柠檬Lemon, Citrus Limon Rutaceae, Nimbu 柠檬主要作用制冷剂,漂白剂内服1. 水果作为一种制冷剂,在有灼烧感的情况下是有用的。2. 在口腔溃疡,海绵状牙龈,脓流和其他口腔问题的情况下,按10ml的量饮用。3.柠檬汁和蜂蜜可以每天早晨使用,以清除腹部不适和作为血液净化。4. 同样的方法也有助于减肥。外敷1. 柠檬汁和酸奶是一种有效的外用可以去头皮屑

厨房即药房---30种常见食材的疗愈性028 苹果

28 Apple 苹果Apple, Sep, 苹果主要作用内服1. 苹果汁加蜂蜜和牛奶对治疗神经衰弱很有用。2. 蜂蜜加苹果汁对妊娠贫血有效。3.苹果,由于其刺激唾液的特性,可以用于治疗溃疡。4. 苹果对牙齿感染、腹泻和痢疾很有效。5. 苹果和香蕉一起使用可以调节肠道运动。6. 在非素食饮食之后吃一个苹果有助于消化。外敷1. 一种用苹果树叶制成的糊状物,用作洗发水可以防止头发脱落和头皮屑,促进头发







