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Newsletter: Life Tips 100 Tips to help you solve small troubles in your life

Tips for life: Life is a matter of learning. If you can learn to be "lazy," you may become more fun. Today, Xia Xia has compiled 100 practical life tips for everyone, absolutely use it!

1. After the nail polish is applied, soak the nails in cold water and it will dry very quickly.

2, the blackhead acne on the nose is very unsightly, often squeezed by hand to leave traces, in fact, after washing your face, use your fingers to dilute some salt on the sides of the nose to gently rub, then rinse with water, The blackheads will be removed and the pores will become smaller.

Newsletter: Life Tips 100 Tips to help you solve small troubles in your life

3. Take the bus and stand on the side more stable.

4, when sleeping, the nose is plugged, it is difficult to accept, cover a small handkerchief on the face (slim can be), after a while the nose is ventilated.

5. Drink a drink with a straw to prevent tooth decay.

6, the acne on the back, with bath salt or Shanghai sulfur soap, persist for a while to go down.

7, the treatment of rhinitis remedies: wash the nasal cavity with saline.

8, vitamin E painted eyelashes, eyelashes will become thick and long.

9. There are tea stains on many cups in the house. You can use a toothpaste brush and apply it on the tea stains.

10. If the clothes are accidentally dripped with oil, keep the clothes dry before washing the clothes, then add the detergent to the place where the oil is dripping, and then rub it twice. If it is washed, there will be no oil marks.


11, when there is sand or foreign matter into the eyes, immediately spit, spit more points, and then keep rubbing your eyes, try Bailing.

12, drinking tea after eating too fatty food, can stimulate the autonomic nerves and promote fat metabolism.

13, coffee partners are more fat than potato chips.

14. Just put a small piece of chalk in the jewelry box to keep the jewelry shiny.

15, eat something with odor, such as garlic, stinky tofu, eat a few peanuts just fine.

16, when traveling with clothes, if you are afraid of pressing up the folds, you can roll each piece of clothing into a roll.

17. If the scorpion and gums are inflamed, cut the watermelon into small pieces at night and eat it with salt. Remember that it must be at night, when the symptoms will be alleviated, and the next day will be fine.

18. When you have just been bitten by a mosquito, it will not itch when applied with soap.

19. If there is an ulcer in your mouth, stick it to the ulcer with vitamin C. After it dissolves, the ulcer is basically good.

20, if there is a small area of ​​skin damage or burns, burns, apply a little toothpaste, you can immediately stop bleeding and pain.

21, yellow teeth, can be chewed and contained in the mouth, and brushing teeth for three minutes, very effective.

22, eat a spicy thing, I feel like I will be killed by the hot, put a little salt in my mouth, contain it, spit it, sip it, it is not spicy.

23, when you raise your eye drops, open your mouth slightly, so that your eyes will not be confused.

24, thick wrist MM want to bring a thin bracelet, you can not hard band, should put a plastic bag on the handle and then bring a bracelet, very good, and will not hurt the handle, take the same method.

25, when the stomach hurts, press the tiger mouth.

26, when fried poached eggs, a few drops of hot water around the egg, fried eggs are particularly delicious.

27, when the acne is very serious, squeeze the toothpaste on the top, the swelling is super fast, just wash it in about 2 hours, otherwise the skin will be blackened.

28, drink green tea in the morning appetizer, wake up, afternoon drink can improve physical fitness, and help sleep.

29, do not drink tea immediately after eating, tea contains a lot of target acid protein, this protein can cause fatty liver.

30, summer feet are prone to sweating, soaking feet with light salt water every day can effectively deal with sweaty feet.

31. Summer pillows are susceptible to moisture and mold, and the pillows are often exposed to health benefits.

32, hands are easy to become dry and rough, soak hands with vinegar for 10 minutes to skin care.

33. When the milk expires and cannot be drunk, the rag can be soaked and used to wipe the floor of the table, and the dirt can be removed quickly.

34, cooking should not use raw water, if boiled rice with boiling water, vitamin B1 can be protected from loss.

35, girls' stockings are more likely to be scratched by sharp objects, bought them and put them in the refrigerator for a while, and then wear them, it is not very easy to break.

36. The birthday candle is first frozen in the freezer of the refrigerator for 24 hours. After being inserted into the cake and ignited, no candle oil flows down to stain the cake.

37. Boiled meat wants to make the soup taste delicious. You can cook the meat slowly in cold water. If you want to make the meat taste delicious, you can cook the meat in hot water.

38. Soak the cup with hot water in cold water, then sprinkle a handful of salt in the cold water to speed up the cooling of the boiling water.

39. Before applying nail polish, first wipe the nails with cotton vinegar, and then apply nail polish after the vinegar is dry. The nail varnish will not fall off easily.

40. The silk flower can be used to cut the pine egg, which is uniform and does not stick to the egg yolk. The knife is hot in the hot water and then cut, and the cut is neat and beautiful.

41. After eating garlic, drink a cup of milk to eliminate the smell of garlic left in the mouth.

42. Applying thick tea or overnight tea will make the eyelashes long and effective for a week.

43. Honey has strong bactericidal ability against pathogenic bacteria, and regular consumption of honey can prevent the occurrence of dental caries.

44, migraine can be immersed in hot water, the amount of water to dip the wrist is appropriate, after half an hour, the pain can be alleviated.

45. The plastic cap is too tight to be opened, and it is frozen in the refrigerator for a while, then it can be easily unscrewed.

46. ​​Dry the various petals and mix them in a bowl. In the living room or dining room, you can make the room full of fragrance.

47. Touching the plastic bag is sticky and toxic, and the hand lubrication is non-toxic; the force is dithered and the sound is toxic, and the crisp one is non-toxic.

48, the stain of the ball pen, pour a small amount of vinegar on the handwriting of the clothes, squatting up and down, you can easily remove the traces.

49. The juice contained in the cup is transported on the tray. As long as a spoon is inserted into the cup, the juice will not overflow.

50. The PH value of air conditioning condensate is neutral, which is very suitable for raising flowers and raising fish. It is not easy to produce alkali for bonsai culture.

51, excessive drinking has been drunk, can take 50% vinegar 100 to 200 ml, hangover poison, liver and kidney.

52, insomnia can pour a tablespoon of vinegar into cold water, stir and drink, if you add the same amount of honey, the effect is better.

53. Drink less milk tea. Because of high heat. High oil. There is no nutritional value at all. Drink for a long time. Easy to suffer from high blood pressure. diabetes. And other diseases.

54. Keep away from the charging stand, the human body should be away from 30 cm or more, and should not be placed at the bedside.

55. Drink plenty of water during the day and drink less water at night.

56, lack of sleep will become stupid, need to sleep eight hours a day, have a nap habit can delay aging.

57, 10 kinds of food that will be happy: deep sea fish, bananas, grapefruit, whole wheat bread, spinach, garlic, pumpkin, low fat milk, chicken, cherry.

58, the best sleep time is at 10 o'clock in the evening - 6 o'clock in the morning.

59, sour plums to prevent aging, youth forever, liver fires should be eaten.

60, help hair growth: eat more cabbage, eggs, beans, eat less sweets (especially fructose).

61. Apple is a standing medicine for locomotives, drug addicts, and housewives. One day, one can make you have a clean lung.

62, a cup of lemon juice, orange juice, not only whitening but also lightening dark spots.

63. Women should not drink tea for five periods: when menstruation comes, pregnant women, before labor. After the production, menopause.

64, the correct eating habits: like the emperor in the morning, like a civilian at noon, like eating at night.

65, pear can be sunscreen! Regular pear can keep the skin elastic, not wrinkles. Pears are rich in vitamin E, which can protect the sun from exposure.

66, drinking yogurt can be irritated after hangover, yogurt can protect the gastric mucosa, delay alcohol absorption, and rich in calcium, especially effective in relieving irritability after drinking.

67, asparagus can lose weight! Asparagus can improve the body's basal metabolism, promote the body's body heat consumption, and has a strong dehydration ability, therefore, eat more fresh asparagus can become slim.

68. Cleaning of melons and fruits: Before eating, first soak the melons in salt water for 20-30 minutes to remove the pesticides or parasite eggs remaining in the epidermis of the melons, and the salt water also has the effect of killing certain pathogens.

69. Pick the ripe tomatoes, dig out the persimmon meat, mix well, apply on the eyes, and wipe off with a wet towel after about ten minutes. This method can dilute the dark circles and also delay the aging of the skin around the eyes.

70, bread can eliminate the smell of clothes: when eating, if the clothes are dyed by the oil stains, you can gently rub with fresh white bread, the oil trace can be eliminated.

71, cold winter, want to make your feet warmer, try to put a red pepper in the front of the shoes. Because the red pepper has the effect of stimulating the skin and promoting the blood circulation of the human body, it can warm the feet involuntarily!

72. Sprinkle a few drops of wind oil on the leaves of the electric fan. With the constant rotation of the blades, the room can be fragrant and have the effect of driving away the mosquitoes.

73, toothpaste also has a cleansing function! In the bath, use toothpaste instead of bath soap to decontaminate, both have obvious cleansing function, but also make the bath cool after the bath, and also prevent the role of lice

74, relieve eye fatigue tips: soak the medicinal millet grass or mother chrysanthemum with water, then soak the towel, apply to the eyes for 10 to 15 minutes, can effectively relieve eye fatigue.

75. When frying the taro slices, first dip the taro slices in cold water, then fry them in the pan, so that the fried taro slices are crispy and crisp, which is both delicious and fuel efficient.

76. When cooking dumplings, the water-soluble nutrients in the dumpling skin and stuffing are mostly dissolved in the soup except for a small loss of heat. Therefore, it is best to drink the dumplings.

77. Put a few slices of lemon peel and orange peel in the dishwashing water, or drop a few drops of vinegar to eliminate the odor on the dishes such as dishes. At the same time, it also softens hard water while increasing the luster of porcelain.

78, barbecue anti-focus small tips: barbecue, you can put a container of water in the oven, because the water in the utensil can be turned into water vapor as the temperature inside the oven rises, to prevent barbecue burnt.

79, bread and biscuits should not be stored together. The surface contains more water, and the biscuits are generally dry and brittle. If they are stored together, the bread will be hardened and the biscuits will lose the crispness due to moisture.

80. The magic method of uncovering adhesive tape and tape: adhesive tape or tape attached to the wall. If it is hard to remove, it will damage the object and can be easily removed by ironing with a steam iron.

81, tea and sugar, candy should not be stored together. Tea is easy to absorb moisture, while sugar and candy have just a lot of water. When these two kinds of items are stored together, the tea will become moldy or smelly due to moisture.

82, jeans will fade after a long time. You can soak the newly bought jeans in concentrated brine for 12 hours, then wash them with water, and then do not fade after washing.

83, can not use tea to boil eggs! Because in addition to alkaloids in tea, there are a variety of acidified substances, these compounds combined with iron in eggs, stimulating the stomach, is not conducive to digestion and absorption.

84, tofu can be used for beauty! After getting up every morning, use a piece of tofu, put it in the palm of your hand, use it to rub the face for a few minutes, adhere to a month, the facial skin will become white and moist.

85. After 5 pm, eat less and eat less, because after five o'clock, the body does not need so much energy.

86. Hang a handful of shallots under the lamp, or put a few onions in a yarn bag, and all kinds of bugs will not fly. Mosquitoes are most afraid of orange-red light, and they are placed on the bulb with orange-red cellophane or silk cloth, and the mosquitoes will not get close.

87, smoking or long-term use of dark nail polish will make the nail discolored, can be wiped with half a fresh lemon every day, rubbed for two weeks to remove the stain.

88. Make the fragrance of the clothes hit: Do not throw away the used perfume bottles, lotion bottles, etc., open their covers, put them in the suitcase or the closet, and make the clothes become fragrant.

89. If the watch is accidentally filled with water, a granular material called silica gel can be placed in a closed container together with the watch. After a few hours, the water in the watch disappears. Silicone can be used repeatedly.

90. When writing a pen word, if you write a typo, wipe the toothpaste and wipe it off. When the ballpoint pen is not fluent in writing, insert the pen into the filter that sucks the cigarette and turn it around.

91, the flour can wash the grapes! Put the grapes in the basin, add the right amount of flour, stir gently with a hand, then pour the turbid flour water, rinse with water.

92. The method of treating the foot foam during the journey: first use hot water to burn the foot for ten minutes, use a sterile needle to puncture the foot soaking, so that the liquid in the bubble flows out and drains, and then disinfect the foot part. Avoid cutting the blisters to prevent infection.

93. Grape skin for winemaking is rich in antioxidants. Drinking red wine regularly can increase good cholesterol and reduce hardening of the arteries.

94, rough skin can be vinegar and glycerin in a 5:1 ratio and apply to the face, daily adherence, will make the skin become fine. Add a tablespoon of vinegar to your face and wash your face. It also has a cosmetic effect.

95, tomatoes, cucumbers should not be stored in the refrigerator. When tomatoes and cucumbers are stored in the refrigerator, their epidermis will be in a state of water immersion, thus losing their unique flavor, and even spoilage and inedible.

96, eating apples can prevent oral diseases, because the fiber of apples can remove the dirt in the gums. But one thing to note is that you should gargle after eating the apple to prevent the occurrence of dental caries.

97. Tanning of the juice of the drawing: When adding the juice of the same size as the rice grain, the agglutination of the same size as the rice grain can prolong the setting time and make the sugar wire longer.

98. When applying makeup, put the damp makeup foam into the refrigerator. After a few minutes, slap the cold sponge on the skin of the foundation. You will feel the skin is extraordinarily refreshing and the makeup is particularly refreshing.

99, the trick to draw the eyeliner: To draw a pair of meticulous eyeliner, you can first fix your elbow on the table, then lay a small mirror, let your eyes look down toward the mirror, you can safely draw the eyeliner.

100, Apple's alternative effect: eliminate bad breath! Brushing with apple juice, can eliminate bad breath, but also keep the teeth white, but remember to brush the tooth again after brushing.

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