英语课解读(teaching plan1.3)

Demo class Lesson Plan for K1
Course:course1 Theme 12 Food
Teaching content:1. Topic:Food2. Core words :food3. Key words:spoon ,fork ,napkin4. Key sentences:1,It is xxx(apple ,pear ,carrot ),2,xxx(apple ,pear, carrot ) is food, 3,xxx(apple, pear, carrot )is good.  4,I eat food with fork & spoon.
Learning objectives:1,language:Kids are able to recognize what is food;Kids are able to distinguish which is food, and which is not ;Kids are able to understand the meaning of the words,and sound the words out: food , spoon ,fork ,napkin;Kids are able to understand the meaning of key sentences and sound the key sentences out:1,It is xxx(apple ,pear ,carrot ),2,xxx(apple ,pear, carrot ) is food, 3,xxx(apple, pear, carrot )is good.  4,I eat food with fork & spoon.,2,value:kids are able to say hello to each other, to be friendlykids are able to say what is good for  our healthkids can understand what is keep trying ,don't give up
ProcedureDurationMediaOther teaching materialsTeaching stepsTeacher talkStudents out putNote
pre - class10min/20min/Elmo Puppy10min1. say hello to kids2.introduce one kid to other kids3.lead them say hello to each other10min1. say hello to kids2.introduce one kid to other kids3.lead them say hello to each other4.lead kids play with Elmo Puppy(让学员通过手偶扮演,熟悉和老师的互动以及和学员的互动为 being Mr. Noodle 打基础)在老师引导学员相互打招呼的时候要提醒学员微笑,show your big smile and shake your hand.重点突出学员与学员之间打招呼,学员与手偶打招呼。10min1.what's your name?2.Say hello to everyone.3.Shake  your hands4.let's make friends20min1.what's your name?2.Say hello to everyone.3.Shake  your hands4.let's make friends5.Do you want play with Elmo?6.who wants to play with puppy ,have a try~1. I'm……2. My name is……3.Show your smile to all of themlow level 的孩子需要老师的引导进行沟通和交流,对于一直不说话的孩子老师仍然要照顾到,需要慢慢引导孩子说话其他人接触。教育理念及亮点:1,传递积极乐观的心态,体现关爱他人2,体现了,乐观,积极,友善等价值观
Warm up5min5 min1. Media: Sunny Song2. Media: Hello SongElmo Puppy1. Play Open Media: Sunny Day as students come in.2. Greet With students.3. Gather students and parents to sing Hello Song. Have them standing in a circle and hand in hand. And show some actions to them which are easy to learn. (T also joins in the circle)4. Plays Media: Hello Song. Lead students and parents in singing the song. Walk together in circle to the beat of the song as you sing.5. Have students and parents going back to their seats.1. Welcome to Sesame Street English School!I’m your teacher! My name is **. Hi, (S’s name). How are you?Hello, (S’s name). How are you today?It’s nice to see you, (S’s name).Say Hello to (T’s name).We are going to have so much fun!  Are you ready?2. Let’s play a game ,come on let’s stand in a circle , can youShow me your hands and  shake ,shake  ,shake (show some actions to them which are easy to learn)3. Now let’s sing the Hello Song together.Excellent!4.Now , go back to your seat.如果学员不能主动输出需要主助教配合,role play 对孩子进行引导教育理念及特点:1, 体现关爱他人,传递积极乐观的心态2, 新颖的课堂热身环节,明显区别于其他机构,让学员和家长都有耳目一新的感觉。3, 动画形式的的呈现体检3-4岁学员的最近发展区,很容易激发学员学习兴趣注:动作要简单,体现学员之间的互动,老师与学员之间的互动。要有目的有意义的做动作。如:how are you 需要引导学员握手。
Lesson Intro5 min1. Flashcards: food,2. Real apple and orange or some other food3. A box4.An Elmo puppet1. Play guessing game2. Ask kids to sound the words out like apple banana pear etc.3. Use an Elmo puppet to encourage students to repeat the word (food). (让孩子们猜老师篮子里面装的什么,通过道具和输出给孩子一个集合的概念,通过孩子们的已有知识,导入需要学习的知识)4.Use Elmo puppet to take all the food instead of teacher.1,Everyone see what’s in my basket?What are these?They are apple  orange ……Please say it’s apple ……2. Both of them are foods.Read  the  word  with me3. Today Elmo has a party ,there are many foods  .Let’s go to  Elmo ‘s world4.One more time please ,keep trying ,don't give up.1. low level kids should repeat teacher‘s words .high level kids can say the sentences by themselves 声音小的学员需要老师做louder speaker 帮助学员进行输出教育理念及特点:1, 实物教学,避免汉译英影响学员学习。帮助学员将词汇与实物简历直接联系。2, 用学员已有知识导入新授知识,帮助学员导入集合的概念。3, 与价值观课程相结合,体现健康饮食,坚持不放弃和分享三个价值观。
Welcome to Elmo’s World  10 minElmo’s World1, show “Elmo’s World“(freeze the software tell rules one more time) 2, Elmo video second time , Ask a question about what do they see……3, Ask key sentences kids to sound the sentences out.(通过真实场景教学,让孩子对食物集合有初步的了解)注:当学员不能输出或者选不对课件选项的情况下,老师需要及时给予鼓励,并告知学员One more time please ,keep trying ,don't give up.1.let’s watch the video ,everyone say hello Elmo ,let’s clap our hands……2.Everyone what do you see here?Say I see ……3.Is XXX(apple pear carrot ) food?4.XXX(apple pear carrot ) is good.5. Everyone give me the whole sentence.6.Good! Both of them are food and food is good ,say it with me .They are food ,food is good.7.One more time please ,keep trying ,don't give up.High level kids can say long sentences,  low level kids can   say some words.老师需要引导low level kids 进行整句输出,同时要求high level学员站在台前进行输出,或是带领其他学员输出。教育理念及特点:1, 全景教学法,帮助学员明确主题概念。2, 教学目标重难点通过视频形式呈现,提高学员的兴趣度。激发学员求知欲。3,体现健康饮食、分享两个价值观
Find the Food5min Find the food1,Ask kids find the food picture and say the whole sentence ,it’s  an apple ,apple is food ,food is good.2.choose the kids (让孩子面对家长进行整句输出,明确输出教学关键句)注:当学员不能输出或者选不对课件选项的情况下,老师需要及时给予鼓励,并告知学员One more time please ,keep trying ,don't give up.1,Teacher has  a wonderful game ,who wants to play?2,Can you find food here ?Can  you click the food ?3,yes ,you are very good ,what ‘s this? it's banana, Is banana food?Banana is food and Banana is good.4,One more time please ,keep trying ,don't give up.5,who wants to  have another try,xx come over here .you two shake your hands。Active kids are able to say let me try; non-active kids are need to bechosen (teacher should use some  game ,such as parrot act; dancing fingers  etc.)外向的孩子会主动参与,内向的孩子需要老师进行引导,极个别内向学员需要家长陪同一起参与,此时家长也要进行输出,给孩子做个榜样,同时能够体验真实课堂。当老师选择第二及后续学员的时候需要引导他与台上的小朋友握手,(就像接力一样)然后在答题。教育理念及特点:1, 通过课件再一次给出学员集合的概念,2, 体现健康饮食,坚持不放弃及分享三个价值观,重点突出贯穿始终3, 专业的课件发音引导学员学习4, 多媒体教学资源协助教师强化教学目标落实
Ask Mr. Noodle10min1.Media:Ask Mr. NoodleFlashcards :napkin, spoon, Several false mustache Props: plate ,noodle ,napkin ,fork, spoon1. Introduce Mr. Noodle to kids2.watch the video3. Show the real spoon and fork to kids , ask them to say the words.4.Teach the key sentences5.Being Mr. Noodle(这部分不需要学员真的上来,只需要主助教老师show即可,助教老师需要表现的比较silly,同时表现出keep trying never give up)操作要求:1.5人以下可以邀请每个家庭参与即:一名家长一名学员。穿戴好教具表演关键句即可2.5人以上只需要主助教老师演,同样要穿戴好教具,要求表演夸张夸大,激发学员的参与度!注:当学员不能输出或者选不对课件选项的情况下,老师需要及时给予鼓励,并告知学员One more time please ,keep trying ,don't give up.part11. Everyone see what’s this? (noodles)2. Noodles ,do you know how to eat them?Our friend Mr. Noodle will show you ,let’s watch the video.3. Who wants show me how to use fork/spoon/napkin?Say it with me I eat noodles with fork/spoon/napkin. Follow me3.Would you want to be Mr. Noodle,who wants try?4.XX(co-teacher's name ) keep trying ,don't give up,one more time please.part 21.who wants to have try?xxx please and your mum.2.Can you read with me?I am apple ,apple is food ,apple si good. do you like me?3.Wonderful! dear kids later you have chance to be Mr. Noodle ,let's go bathroom , and your dad and mum will cheer for you ,right now line up and follow me. 1.Students  just watch,2.students should say what teacher say,and follow teacher.3.Parents should say  I eat noodles with fork/spoon.学员需要在being Mr. Noodle进行输出和表演,突出芝麻街的教学特点,可以邀请家长参与进来。教学理念及特点:1, 独特的学习效果反馈——Drama表演,在课堂结尾掀起另一个高潮,使学员的参与度达到90%以上,能够帮助学员更好地吸收当堂课的知识;2, 更大限度上解决学员听不懂,学不会的问题3, 课堂组织以学员为主体,充分地让学员体会我的课堂我做主4,体现坚持,不放弃的价值管理念,让家长了解我们的价值观课程是不仅有特殊的课程进行教授,同时还会渗透在常课教学中。
Drama prectice 10min表演道具,每人一套(含头饰,服装,手持道具)1, Give demo to students if necessary; make sure students know what to do2, Lead students to practice showing their worksheets to their parents.3.Teach students say their words and the actions of their role.can you say it with me ?1,I  am  xxx(apple, pear, carrot )2,Apple is food,orange is food,carrot is food……3,xxx(apple, pear, carrot )is good.4,,I eat my food with fork and spoon.Key sentences for on level kids:1,It is xxx(apple, pear, carrot )2,Apple is food,orange is food,carrot is food……3,xxx(apple, pear, carrot )is good.4,,I eat my food with fork and spoon.optional sentences for  high level kids:1,It is xxx(apple, pear, carrot ) it is red and round(颜色,形状)2,Apple is food,orange is food,carrot is food……3,xxx(apple, pear, carrot )is good.4,,I eat my food with fork and spoon.5,It is book(非食物图片) it's not food和学员交流学习兴趣,让孩子对课程感兴趣,喜欢来芝麻街学习(洗孩子)展示部分需要老师引导学员反复练习,针对low level的学员,只需要确认该学员能够重复老师说的话即可。
Show 5min-10min1.masks of vegetables and fruits2.教具:大刀叉,能够覆盖学员身体的水果蔬菜牌子,大果盘(能够站下5人)1.Invite each student to show their drama role.2.lead students  to do some actions which are based on their role.3.Say the word of the day ,food ,napkin,spoon,fork;the sentences food is good ,I eat food with spoon/fork/napkin. High level kids  can  say the key words and key sentences by themselves.Low level kids need repeat teacher’s words one sentence by one sentence .Key sentences for on level kids:1,I am  xxx(apple, pear, carrot )2,Apple is food,orange is food,carrot is food……3,xxx(apple, pear, carrot )is good.4.Eat me please!(Hig level kids ,I eat my food with fork and spoon.optional sentences for  high level kids:1,I am xxx(apple, pear, carrot ) it is red and round(颜色,形状)2,Apple is food,orange is food,carrot is food……3,xxx(apple, pear, carrot )is good.4,we eat my food with fork and spoon.After students individual words they should stand in the big plate and say we are food ,we are good,eat me please!展示部分需有一名教师或是CC扮演Elmo,和小朋友一同进入PPT教室表演。要求每一个小朋友都穿戴好表演道具(校区应多准备几套,10套为宜)表演过程中须每一个学员都有自己的台词,如出现学员怯场或说不出来的情况则需要主助教老师带领学员一起说。表演过程中老师需要邀请家长给与孩子积极正面的鼓励。
Handicraft & Writing20minStudent workbook Page 75-76作业纸要准备2种,high level 孩子作业纸的选项相对较多,需要区分哪些是食物,哪些不是low level的孩子需要全部都是食物的作业纸。1, Tell students they are going to do some handicraft/ writing.2, Arrange them in pairs or groups if necessary.

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