
What is one lesson learnt that’s unique to being a woman?


The one that sticks out for me is being proud of being the only woman in the room, and it happens all the time. It never bothered me in the past but, over time, I understood what it meant to be there, how to leverage the opportunity and minimise the constraints that come with it. It’s about getting a seat at the table, remaining there and enjoying every minute of the rollercoaster.


Maud: It’s something that my father told me. He used to say, “You have to do the best you can when you want something. And when you want something, you can do it”. He instilled that in me, that confidence, to go after something, and to speak up. I think that’s also a lesson that we, as women, can give to one another, that it’s OK to speak up for what you want and go for what makes you happy.

Sarah: 对我而言,如果说有什么是我在年轻的时候想学会的,就是作为一个女性,必须要努力证明自己的价值。这乍听之下很平常,但你一旦有了这样的意识,你就会变得不可阻挡。你将从每次互动中获益,更好地聆听意见,并思考他人的观点。

Sarah: For me, it’s a lesson that I wished I had learnt earlier in life. I feel that women, and that includes myself, feel a need to prove themselves, probably more than their male counterparts, and it’s something that I’ve recognised. It’s commonplace, and once you recognise that within yourself, it becomes incredibly liberating. You get so much more out of every interaction because you’re listening better and actually thinking about other people’s perspectives.



Anna: 对我而言,是布林·布朗,她是一个心理学家。是她让我看到了“脆弱的力量”,当我第一次听到这个概念的时候,我发现我内心长久以来有很多的奋斗。我内心有一种这样的力量,而我开始利用它,让我的生活变得更好。

For me, it’s Brené Brown, a psychologist and researcher. She’s taught me the power of vulnerability. When I first heard the concept, I realised that there’s a lot of things I was fighting inside myself. There’s a force inside me, and I began to leverage that, and my life changed for the better.

Maud: 我小时候最崇拜的人是麦当娜!我非常希望自己能成为她那样的人。之后,我开始欣赏希拉里和米希尔。但是,从某种意义上说,是她们身上的部分特质吸引到了我,永远都渴望学习,渴望改变。

When I was young, it was Madonna! I wanted so much to be like her. Later, I would say Hillary Clinton and Michelle Obama. However, in a sense, it’s more about certain traits in people. It’s the hunger to learn and willingness to change.

Sarah: 工作中,我想说我很开心能和在场的两位一起共事,她们持续不断地在启发我,让我获益良多。工作之外,是一位曾和我在英国共事过一段时间的女性同事。她曾在职场上面临挑战并最终被裁员,我很欣赏她的点在于,她之后东山再起,坚持自己的信念并最终获得了成功。即便是在个人生活中,她也在不断经历挑战,并不惧失败。

I am fortunate to work alongside these two amazing women you see here today. They continuously inspire me and that’s fantastic. Outside of work, however, it’s someone who used to be in my team quite a few years ago in the UK. This lady had some challenges with her career, and she was eventually made redundant. I admire her because she went on to have a very successful business based on her own self belief. Even in personal life, she continuously takes on challenges, and she’s not afraid of failing.



What are the biases that you have personally experienced at the workplace?

Anna: 我在墨西哥工作的时候,曾在一个15,000员工的公司里成为了第一个女性总监,我丈夫决定和我一起前往并照顾孩子。在当时,这种安排几乎是完全不被世人接受的。我们所在的地方,思想更加保守,这让我们适应了很长一段时间。我和丈夫会互相说:“在我们内心,彼此都认同这是最好的选择,所以可以共同面对一切困难。”而我们也是这样做的。很多人觉得男人配合女人的事业心是一种弱势的表现,这种想法是不对的。

For me, it was when I went to Mexico [for work], I was the first female director in a company of 15,000 people, and my husband, who chose to follow me, looked after our children. It was completely unacceptable at the time to have such an arrangement. We were in a place that’s much more provincial, and it took a very long time before we were understood and accepted. My husband and I used to say to each other, “As long as, within these four walls, we’re good with this choice, we are able to face anything outside of this world”, and that’s how we did it. A lot of people think that men who choose to follow women, like their wives or partners, are weak. That’s not true at all.

Maud: 很多人提到啤酒,可能会主观觉得这是一个男性当道的产业,他们会有疑问:“女人真的可以在这种老牌的男性为主的产业中成为管理者吗?”你必须克服这种精神障碍和偏见。

Maybe for us, when people hear about beer, they think it is a masculine industry. They say, “As a woman, can you really lead in an industry that’s historically male-driven?” You do have to overcome mental hurdles and biases.

Sarah: 对此我有一些不同看法。有时,大家会以为高管女性就是无礼的、令人生畏的、自作主张的,总之就是觉得她们必然很强势。但其实不是这样,很多人会和我说:“我觉得你应该挺凶的,但实际上你人很好。”我觉得这种偏见来源于某些根深蒂固的观念,并非有意。

I have a slightly different perspective on this. Sometimes, people expect that a woman in a senior position to be ruthless, intimidating and assertive — even aggressive. This is just not the case at all. Someone once said to me, “I was expecting you to be fierce but you’re actually really nice”. I think this comes from something that’s ingrained and I don’t think it’s intentional.



Why is being a mentor so important?

Anna: 我想分享一个小故事,很多年前我应聘一个工作,当时我刚结婚,面试我的是一位GM,而且基本上已经到了终面,他和我说:“目前为止你是最好的候选人,但我们不会雇佣你,因为你刚结婚,很可能马上会生育。我不会在这样的人身上进行投资。”这句话里的审判意味一下子砸中了我。我当时就觉得,我绝不会让其他职场女性遭受同样待遇,她们并不孤单,而这种拒绝的做法也违反了法律,我们应该为之抗争。

Let me tell you a short story. I interviewed for a job many years ago. I was in my first marriage, when I was 25 or 26 years old, and I remember being interviewed by the General Manager — the last step, basically. He said, “You’re the best candidate so far, but they’re not going to hire you because you’re married, and you’re probably going to have a baby soon. I will not invest in a person in this situation”. The heaviness of this sentence, this judgment, weighed on me, and I promised myself that I would do whatever it takes to not make another woman feel the same. They need to know that they’re not alone, that it is against the law, and that it is worth the fight.

Maud: 有时我会想,和我交流的人是否真的听进去了我的故事,后来我意识到我的分享对他们而言非常有用。对我而言,能通过对话改变一些人在职场上的方向,让她们少走弯路,是很自豪的事情。特别是当有人说:“因为你的鼓励,我有勇气表达我自己。”我会特别享受这种经历。

Initially, with my mentees, I wondered if they’d really listen to my stories. Then I realised that what I share is actually very valuable. It’s rewarding to help guide the conversation and move someone’s career in a slightly different direction. Especially when they say, “Now, because of the conversation we had, I had the courage to speak up”. I think it’s great to experience it.

Sarah: 我觉得在生活里有一个导师很重要。我时常会回想那些在我职场中给与帮助的人以及我最终获得的改变,真的很有意义。当然,我觉得未来最终要的是人才,我们能给与这些人才更多机会,让他们塑造自己,发掘自己的潜力,我们就能创造更好的未来。

It’s hugely important! When I think back on the mentoring that I have received throughout my career and the difference it’s made, it’s very rewarding. Also, I think the future of our business lies in its talent, and the more we can encourage and build that talent and give them opportunities to explore themselves, the better.



What advice would you give to aspiring female executives?

Anna: 随时保持真实、真诚以及无畏。虽然不是每个人都会喜欢你,但大家会欣赏你的诚实。当然,展现真正的自己可能也包括展示出你的弱势,让别人知道是什么赋予你力量,同时在未来,试着把你的弱点变成强项。

Be authentic, be genuine and be fearless. Not everyone will like your true colours, but people will appreciate your honesty anyway. But showing your true colours means to show your vulnerabilities, too. Let people know what gives you strength, what are your weaknesses, but make sure to turn them into strengths later on. 

Maud: 我同意Anna,做自己,做你喜欢的事情并为之不懈奋斗。不要为了别人而改变自己,这不仅是对女性说的,而是对所有人。对男性而言,可能他们被给予更高厚望。某种方面来说,女性很幸运,因为我们在更高层次来说是新人。

I agree with Anna. Be yourself, do what you love and work super hard for it. Don’t change who you are for anybody, and that applies for both men and women. I can give the exact same advice to men, because they often have to play to an even higher expectation. Women are luckier, in a sense, because we are newer to the block at the higher levels.

Sarah: 我认为每个人在自己所爱和自己擅长的东西之间都有一个甜蜜点,如果你能找到那个点,那就会产生奇妙化学效应。如果你热爱你所在做的,是最好的,当你找到它,潜力无极限。

I think there is a sweet spot for everyone between what you are good at and what you love. If you can find that point, that’s when the magic really happens. It’s so much better when you’re passionate about what you are doing. Once you find that, the sky becomes the limit.



How do you unplug yourself from work?

Anna: 我的办公室同时也是我的音乐室,我有一个钢琴在里面。每次我能休息五分钟的时候,我就会弹几首歌。旅行的时候我喜欢听古典音乐和有声读物,特别是一些古典乐教授的东西,我现在正在学习莫扎特的音乐,他是我的偶像。

My new office is in my music room, so I have the piano right in front of me. Every time I find five minutes, I jump on my seat and play a song or two. When I am travelling, I listen to a lot of classical music and audiobooks, especially those that feature professors teaching classical music. Right now, I am trying to learn about Mozart. He’s my idol.

Maud: 我喜欢烹饪和烘培,为了确保一日三餐,意味着我每天都要做。我乐在其中,可以出出汗,然后烘烤好吃的东西,第二天再重复。

I love cooking and baking, so to compensate for all the eating, I have to work out as much as possible. It’s good to do so every day; to sweat it out, then bake something delicious, then you repeat the cycle again the next day.


What I really like to do to switch off is to plug my brain into something else. I am quite an avid reader, and I am in the process of learning a new language.

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