
1、市场营销 / 行销(Marketing):指用调查分析、预测、产品发展、订价、推广交易成实体配销技术来发掘、推广及满足社会各阶层人士对商品或劳务需求的一系列活动。

2、营销管理(Marketing Management):是为了实现企业目标,创造、建立和保持与目标市场之间的互利交换和关系,而对设计方案的分析、计划、执行和控制。





7、目标市场(Targeting Market):目标市场是指企业经过比较、选择、决定作为服务对象的相应子市场。


9、市场营销组合(Marketing Mix):企业为了满足目标顾客群的需要而加以组合的可控制的度量。




13、核心产品(Core Product):是指消费者购买某种产品时所追求的利益,是顾客真正需要的东西。

14、有形产品(Tangible Product):是核心产品借以实现的形式,即向市场提供设实体和服务的形象。

15、附加产品(Augmented Product):是顾客购买有形产品时所获得的全部附加服务和利益,包括提供信贷、免费送货、售后服务等。

16产品组合(Product Mix):指一个企业提供市场的全部产品线和产品项目的组合或搭配,即经营范围和结构。






22、产品生命周期(Product Life Cycle):即一种新产品从开始构思、开发上市直到被市场淘汰为止的整个时期。由四个阶段组成:导入期(介绍)、成长期、成熟期、衰退期。


24、市场营销渠道(Markering Distribution):指配合起来生产、分销和消费某一产品生产者的商品和服务的所有企业和个人。

25、分销渠道/通路/分配渠道(Distribution Channel):某种商品和服务从生产者向消费者转移过程中,取得这种商品和服务所有权或帮助所有权转移的所有企业和个人。



28、专业商店/专用品赏点(Specialty Store):专业商店是产品线深而长的商店,如服务店、鞋店、书店等。

29、百货商店(Department Store):百货商店一般销售几条产品线的产品,尤其是服装、家具和家庭用品等。

30、超级市场(Supar Market):是一种大型、廉价、自选式的商场,主要经营食品、杂货及家用器具等。

31、便利商品/杂货店/士多店(Convenience Store):这是一种小型的在居民区附近的商店,主要是经营日用消费品,经营品种不多,价格也适中,营业时间长,以附近居民为主要销售对象,如7-11。




35、整合营销传播(IMC):IMC基本想法是将一定的传播活动一元化,即一方面把广告、促销、公共关系、直接营销、CI、包装与新闻媒体等一切传播活动皆归属于广告活动;另一方面使企业能以统一的传播资讯传达给消费者,即Speak with one voice (用一个声音去说)

36、直接营销/直效营销(Directing marketing):是指为了在任何地方产生可度量的反应或达成交易而使用的一种或多种广告媒体的交互作用的市场营销体系。


38、事件行销(Event Marketing):指企业整合本身的资源,通过具有企业力和创意性的活动或事件,使之成为大众关心的问题、议题,因而吸引媒体的报道与消费者的参与,进而达成提升企业形象,以及销售商品的目的。



41、公共关系(Public Relation,PR):组织在经营管理中运用信息传播、沟通媒介、促进组织与相关公众之间的双向了解、理解、信任与合作。为组织树立良好的公众形象。


43、CIS / CI / 企业识别系统:CI是团体组织(特别是企业)对自身的理念文化、行为方式及视觉识别进行系统的革新,统一的传播塑造出富有个性的组织形象,从而获得内外公众组织认同的经营者管理战略。

44、MI(Mind Identity):理念识别是CIS中的灵魂,通常被称为企业或团体组织的心,是CI的基本精神所在。

45、BI(Behavior Identity):行为识别也称为活动识别。被看作为企业的手,是指在企业理念指导下企业全体员工达成共识和自觉遵守理念要求的行为、工作方式。

46、VI(Visual Identity):视觉识别,通常被比喻为企业的脸,是指企业标志的识别符号。


47 basic marketing concepts

1. Marketing / Marketing: refers to a series of activities that use survey analysis, forecasting, product development, pricing, and promotion of trading into physical distribution technology to discover, promote and meet the needs of people from all walks of life for goods or services.

2, Marketing Management (Marketing Management): In order to achieve corporate goals, create, establish and maintain a mutually beneficial exchange and relationship with the target market, and analyze, plan, execute and control the design.

3. Competitors: Competitors generally refer to those companies that are similar to the products or services provided by the company and have similar target customers and similar prices.

4, STP marketing: is the core of the company's marketing strategy, namely the implementation of segmentation, targeting and positioning.

5. Market: In the eyes of marketers, sellers constitute the industry, and buyers constitute the market. The market consists of three basic elements, that is, those who have certain needs, in order to satisfy this need, the purchasing power and the desire to purchase are expressed by the company: market = population + purchasing power + desire.

6. Segmentation: refers to the market segmentation of a product through the market survey, according to the different needs and desires of customers, different purchase behaviors and purchasing habits. Classification process.

7. Targeting Market: The target market refers to the corresponding sub-markets that the enterprise compares, selects, and decides as the service target.

8. Positioning: According to the location of the competitor's existing products in the selected target market and the conditions of the company itself, create certain characteristics for the company and products from all aspects, shape and establish a certain market. Image, in order to form a special preference in the minds of target customers.

9. Marketing Mix: A controllable measure that companies combine to meet the needs of their target customer base.

10. Product: Anything that can be provided to the market to satisfy people's desires and needs, including stores, services, places, organizations, ideas, competitors, etc.

11. Service: A service, interest, or satisfaction that is used for sale or for sale together with a product.

12, the overall product = core products + tangible products + additional products

13. Core Product: It refers to the benefits that consumers pursue when purchasing a certain product. It is what the customer really needs.

14. Tangible Product: It is the form in which the core products are realized, that is, the image of providing entities and services to the market.

15. Augmented Product: All the additional services and benefits that customers receive when purchasing tangible products, including credit, free shipping, after-sales service, etc.

16 Product Mix: refers to the combination or combination of all product lines and product items provided by a company, namely the business scope and structure.

17. Product line: refers to a group of products that are related or similar to each other, that is, the so-called product category.

18, the breadth of the product portfolio (Width): refers to the number of products in a company's production and operation, that is, the number of product lines, how wide, and narrow.

19. Depth of product portfolio: The color, taste, and specifications of each product in the product line.

20, the length of the product portfolio (Lenpth): refers to the sum of all major categories of products.

21. Consistency of product portfolio: refers to the degree to which each product line is associated with the final use of production conditions, sales channels or other aspects.

22, Product Life Cycle (Product Life Cycle): a new product from the beginning of the conception, development and listing until the market is eliminated. It consists of four phases: introduction period (introduction), growth period, maturity period, and recession period.

23, new products: all products that can bring new satisfaction and new benefits to customers.

24, Marketing Channel (Markering Distribution): refers to all enterprises and individuals who work together to produce, distribute and consume the goods and services of a producer of a certain product.

25. Distribution Channel: All businesses and individuals who acquire ownership of such goods and services or assist in the transfer of ownership from the producer to the consumer.

26. Wholesalers: Companies and individuals who are primarily engaged in the sale of goods or services to customers who purchase for resale or commercial use.

27. Retailer/Retail Store: Retail includes all activities that directly sell goods and services to the final consumer for their personal and quasi-commercial use.

28. Specialty Stores: Specialty stores are shops with deep and long product lines, such as service stores, shoe stores, and bookstores.

29, Department Store (Department Store): Department stores generally sell several product line products, especially clothing, furniture and household items.

30. Supar Market: It is a large, low-cost, self-selected shopping mall that mainly deals with food, groceries and household appliances.

31. Convenience Store: This is a small shop near residential areas, mainly for daily consumer goods. There are not many varieties of products, the price is moderate, and the business hours are long. Nearby residents are the main sales targets, such as 7-11.

32. Chain stores: Chain stores include two or more co-owned and co-managed stores that sell products similar to product lines, implement centralized purchasing and sales, and possibly have similar architectural styles.

33. Communication/Communication: Communication is the process of human information exchange and the dissemination and sharing of information between people.

34. Sales Promotion (SP)/Marketing Promotion: refers to the promotion activities of enterprises that use various short-term incentives to encourage the purchase or sale of products or services of enterprises.

35. Integrated Marketing Communication (IMC): The basic idea of ​​IMC is to unite certain communication activities, that is, to advertise all advertising activities such as advertising, promotion, public relations, direct marketing, CI, packaging and news media to advertising activities; On the other hand, the company can communicate to consumers with a unified communication message, that is, Speak with one voice (speak with one voice)

36. Direct marketing/direct marketing: A marketing system that interacts with one or more advertising media used to generate a measurable response or to conclude a transaction anywhere.

37. Selling/personal marketing: refers to the promotion method in which the employees of the enterprise promote sales through interpersonal contact with customers (lead customers).

38. Event Marketing: refers to the resources of the enterprise integration itself. Through activities or events with corporate strength and creativity, it becomes a topic and issue of concern to the public, thus attracting media reports and consumer participation. Achieve the purpose of improving corporate image and selling goods.

39. Sales promotion/co-sales: The company supports dealer sales in a comprehensive and systematic way by investing in various resources such as people, finances and materials, which is called helping sales. It is supported by the system under the management of the factory personnel. It is a sales management system. It improves the customer service through the management of dealers and retail terminals, and strengthens the channel operation concept of market development management.

40, deep distribution: the enterprise to play the value of the brand, personnel promotion as a means, the joint market partners - dealers directly to the sales terminal to serve, to achieve a terminal network purposes for a distribution.

41. Public Relation (PR): The organization uses information dissemination, communication media, and promotes two-way understanding, understanding, trust and cooperation between the organization and the relevant public in business management. Establish a good public image for the organization.

42. The market is vivid: through effective environmental planning, atmosphere creation, and merchandise display, it is the company's products that are more attractive to consumers at the end of the channel, which stimulates consumers' desire to purchase, and ultimately promotes consumer purchases. To achieve a rapid increase in overall sales.

43. CIS / CI / Enterprise Identification System: CI is a systematic organization (especially enterprise) that systematically innovates its own concept culture, behavior and visual identity. The unified communication creates a personalized organizational image, which leads to the internal and external public. The management strategy of the organization that the organization agrees with.

44, MI (Mind Identity): Concept recognition is the soul of CIS, usually called the "heart" of a business or group organization, is the basic spirit of CI.

45, BI (Behavior Identity): Behavior recognition is also called activity recognition. It is regarded as the "hand" of the enterprise, which refers to the behavior and working methods of all employees of the enterprise to reach consensus and consciously abide by the concept requirements under the guidance of the corporate philosophy.

46, VI (Visual Identity): Visual identity, usually compared to the "face" of the enterprise, refers to the identification of the corporate logo.

47. Database Marketing: The process of establishing and maintaining customer databases and other databases (products, suppliers, retailers) for the purpose of contacting and trading.

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